Wednesday, May 2, 2012


Cheever Street, Danvers, 1959 - Photo collage by Ken Beck
My friend Ken Beck grew up in Danversport and provided this image of Cheever Street, the street where he and his family lived.

During last summer's Danvers high school reunion I heard many stories about Danversport. Ken and other classmates reminisced about places and people they had known there and the experiences they had shared in childhood.  I realized how very little I had known about Danversport, as I grew up in the woods and fields of the northern part of the town, far from the port. Wishing to learn more, I encouraged my classmates to write down their stories and share them. Ken has done so, and I thank him.  This spring Ken sent me a long autobiographical piece, which I will share in segments in upcoming columns.

See the May column for many quotations from Ken Beck, my friend from Cheever Street.